If you are a single mother of young children. What steps do you take to ensure there are minimum negative aspects to the children's self-esteem or general wellbeing from having an absent or inconsistent father? One of my clients was in a similar position, She never denied contact, but it was so inconsistent the children were suffering emotionally. The father would just not turn up at times, which left the mother having to tell them daddy was ‘working’ and he will come soon. He eventually stopped coming. He never gave her any money, therefore she claimed child support, he said that he would only pay child support of he could see the children, which was a strange thing to ask for as he stopped seeing the children. The mother agreed to allow contacts with the children at a contact centre, supervised as he had not seen the children for over 2 years. She had hoped that he had changed and genuinely wanted a relationship with his children. Contact went ahead for 3 weeks bringing them expensive gifts each time., He then just stopped turning up at the contact centre. 6 months along not even a phone call. How could mum get the father to understand that consistency is so important for the children? Is it her role to do so?
